Spires Cigars putting the P in Premium

Premium cigars are a combination of agricultural expertise, quality work processes, and lots of love hand-rolled into a luxurious smoke. For the past decade, experienced cigar rollers have not changed the handmade cigar process and that’s what makes premium cigars so blissful. The process, the architecture, and attention to detail that goes into each handmade cigars enhances its quality. However, not every hand rolled cigar is premium. To fully grasp the concept it’s important to note the tobacco plant’s birth history.

Whenever a tobacco seed is planted the combination of soil, temperature, and rainfall (STR) will give the tobacco plant (and the leaves that create your final smoke) unique characteristics. Different characteristics such as location (this is just one of many) are why cigars from different geographical locations have different taste. However, there are only a few areas in the world that create the perfect combination of STR to produce a premium cigar. Spires Cigars believe Dominican Republic (DR) is one of them. A brief look at the number of famous cigar farms and factories that dominate the cigar industry backs this claim.

Machine made cigars are exactly what they are label as, machine made. Additionally, unlike hand rolled cigars which generally use whole leaves, machine made cigars incorporate tobacco leaf shavings and partial leaves which gives your cigar a different draw (this affects taste). While production is considerably faster, the art of hand rolling meticulously cared for tobacco leaves into a consistent and quality smoke is nothing short of a blessing.

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